Friday, February 24, 2006


Ok, I never post anything so this is for all of you that I don't get to see on a weekly basis. A few months ago I applied for an internsip with eMi, that's Engineering Ministries International. Its a non-profit organization that does engineering design work in developing countries. I'm so excited!! I got the internship and I'll be going to Uganda, Africa this summer!! I should be gone for almost the whole summer. I'm so excited (and scared) to see how another part works and the different cultures in Africa. It should be a great experience and I'm really looking forward to working with the people. I ask for your prayers and support.
But until then thanks for your interest in my pictures!
The my photo from "Graydon Tomlinson Band" poster. Check it out at Posted by Picasa
The sexy Graydon Tomlinson Posted by Picasa
From the secret photography location Posted by Picasa
GT Posted by Picasa
You can't tell from this picture, but this is one of the oldest bibles i've ever seen Posted by Picasa
Interesting candlestick Posted by Picasa
Corey Smith @ The Handlebar Posted by Picasa